Use of mobile phones

The Nursery accepts the employees bring their mobile phones to work.

As a strict nursery policy employees are not permitted to use phones in the nursery during work hours for the safety and protection of all children in our setting.

  • Staff are not permitted to use recording equipment on their mobile phones, For example: to take photographs or videos of nursery children for any purpose.
  • All staff must ensure that their mobile telephones are left in the office during working hours.
  • When on outings the nurseries own mobile telephone will be used, these telephones do not have a camera incorporated into them.
  • If any staff member has a family emergency Staff must give family members the number of the nursery land line for such an occasion.
  • Any staff member, volunteer or student found to be none compliant with this policy would face disciplinary action.
  • Notices of no phone used with nursery premises are on every entrance are visibly clear for parents and visitors to comply to.
  • Visitors will be asked to switch off their phones and will be supervised whilst in nursery or hand over the phone in the office.